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Artikler i internationale tidsskrifter og bøger


  • He, X, Sonnenborg, T.O., Jørgensen, F. and Jensen, K.H. 2016: Modelling real-world buried valley system with vertical non-stationarity using multiple-point statistics. Hydrogeology Journal. 12 p. DOI:10.1007/s10040-016-1486-8.

  • Høyer, A.-S., Jørgensen, F., Sandersen P.B.E., Viezzoli, A. & Møller, I., 2015: 3D geological modelling of a complex buried-valley network delineated from borehole and AEM data. Journal of Applied Geophysics 122 (2015) 94–102.

  • Andersen, T.S., Poulsen, S.E., Christensen, S. and Jørgensen, F. 2013: A synthetic study of geophysics-based modelling of groundwater flow in catchments with a buried valley. Hydrogeological Journal, Vol. 21, 2, pp. 491-503. DOI 10.1007/s10040-012-0924-5.

  • Sandersen, P. B. E. & Jørgensen, F., 2012. Substratum control on tunnel-valley formation in Denmark. In: Huuse, M., Redfern, J., Le Heron, D. P., Dixon, R. J., Moscariello, A. & Craig, J. (Eds.) 2012. Glaciogenic Reservoirs and Hydrocarbon Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 368, 145-157/

  • Andersen, T.S., Huuse, M., Jørgensen, F. and Christensen, S. 2012: Seismic investigations of buried tunnel valleys on- and offshore Denmark. Geol. Soc. London. Special publication. Vol. 368, pp. 129-144. DOI: 10.1144/SP368.14.

  • Sandersen, P. B. E., 2012. Preferred orientations of tunnel valleys in Denmark. Quaternary International, Quaternary International, vol. 279-280, p. 425.

  • Kehew, A., Piotrowski, J. and Jørgensen, F. 2012: Tunnel Valleys: Concepts and Controversies­ – A Review. Earth-Science Reviews, Vol. 113, 33-58.

  • Jørgensen, F., Møller, R.R, Sandersen, P.B.E. and Nebel, L. 2010: 3-D geological modelling of the Egebjerg area based on hydrogeophysical data. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin. Review of Survey Activities 2009. pp. 27-30.

  • Sandersen, P. B. E., Jørgensen, F., Larsen, N. K., Westergaard, J. H., & Auken, E. 2009. Rapid tunnel-valley formation beneath the receding Late Weichselian ice sheet in Vendsyssel, Denmark. BOREAS, Vol. 38, Issue 4, pp. 834-851.

  • Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen. P. B. E. 2009. Buried valley mapping in Denmark: evaluating mapping method constraints and the importance of data density. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, Volume 160, Number 3, September 2009 , pp. 211-223.

  • Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen. P. B. E. 2008. Mapping of buried tunnel valleys in Denmark: new perspectives for the interpretation of the Quaternary succession in Denmark. GEUS Review of Survey activities 2007, GEUS bulletin 15, p. 33-36.

  • Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2006. Buried and open tunnel valleys in Denmark – erosion beneath multiple ice sheets. Quaternary Science Reviews 25, pp. 1339-1363.

  • Jørgensen, F., Johnsen, R., Pedersen, J., Christensen, J.F. & Sandersen, P.B.E. 2006. Investigations in the pilot project areas – Tyrsting. In: Kirsch et al. (Eds.), Groundwater in buried valleys – a challenge for geosciences, Leibnitz Institute for Applied Geosciences, Hannover, p. 181-190.

  • Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P.B.E. & Bakker, M. 2006. Buried valleys – nature and groundwater interests. In: Kirsch et al. (Ed.), Groundwater in buried valleys – a challenge for geosciences, Leibnitz Institute for Applied Geosciences, Hannover, p. 11-18.

  • Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P.B.E., Auken, E., Lykke-Andersen, H. & Sørensen, K. 2006. A large-scale TEM survey of Mors, Denmark. In: Kirsch, R. (Ed.), Groundwater Geophysics - a Tool for Hydrogeology. Springer, Heidelberg, p. 363-380. ISBN 10: 3-540-29383-3.

  • Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P. B. E., Auken, E., Lykke-Andersen, H. & Sørensen, K. 2005. Contributions to the geological mapping of Mors, Denmark – a study based on a large-scale TEM survey. Bull. Geol. Soc. Denm. 52, pp. 53-75.

  • Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2003: Buried Quaternary valleys in western Denmark – occurrence and inferred implications for groundwater resources and vulnerability. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 229-249.

  • Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P. B. E. & Auken, E., 2003. Imaging buried Quaternary valleys using the transient electromagnetic method. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 199-214.  

  • Jørgensen, F., Lykke-Andersen, H., Sandersen, P. B. E., Auken, E. & Nørmark, E., 2003. Geophysical investigations of buried Quaternary valleys in Denmark: an integrated application of transient electromagnetic Geophysical soundings, reflection seismic surveys and exploratory drillings. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 215-229.

Nationale publikationer, konferencebidrag og foredrag


  • Sandersen, P.B.E. & Jørgensen, F. 2016: Begravede tunneldale i Danmark – Fokus på fjorde og bælter. 31. Marts 2016 – Dansk Geologisk Forening – Dansk Geoteknisk Forening – Geologi og geoteknik i de indre danske farvande, VIA Horsens.
  • Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. B. E. 2014: Begravede dale i Danmark – en vigtig kilde til den danske vandforsyning. DANVA Årsmøde 2014.

  • Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2011: Begravede dale i Danmark – Geografisk forekomst, orienteringer og aldre. Institutforedrag, Geologisk Institut, 22. feb. 2011.

  • Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P. B. E. 2009: SkyTEM and mapping of buried valleys. DGF Årsmøde 2009, 14. marts 2009, København.

  • Jørgensen, F., Auken, E. & Sandersen, P. 2009: SkyTEM og afdækning af begravede dale. DGF Årsmøde 2009. Jagten på råstoffer – nye metoder og geologisk viden. København, 14. Marts 2009.

  • Sandersen, P. &  Jørgensen, F. 2007: Begravede dale til lands – en række kortlægningseksempler. Dansk Geologisk Forening ”Gå-hjem-møde”, 28. feb. 2007.

  • Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2007: Begravede dale til lands – Udbredelse, forekomst og dannelse. Dansk Geologisk Forening ”Gå-hjem-møde”, 28. feb. 2007.

  • Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2005: Indsatsplanlægning og begravede dale – resultater fra de jysk-fynske amters kortlægning. ATV møde. Vintermøde om jord- og grundvandsforurening. Vingstedcentret, 8.-9. marts 2005.

  • Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2005: Indsatsplanlægning og begravede dale – resultater fra de jysk-fynske amters kortlægning. ATV møde. Vintermøde om jord- og grundvandsforurening. Vingstedcentret, 8.-9. marts 2005. Vol. II, pp. 367-376.

  • Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2003: Vandressourcer i begravede dale – og vigtigheden af at kende geologien. danskVAND, 3, pp. 156-161.

  • Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P., 2002: Karakteristik af begravede dales geologi – opbygning, aldre og dannelsesprocesser. DGF grundvandsmøde 31. oktober 2002.  Geologisk Tidsskrift, hæfte 2, pp.14–15.

  • Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F., 2002: Begravede dales forekomst i Jylland og på Fyn – indvirkning på lagserien, topografien og grundvandsressourcerne. DGF grundvandsmøde 31. oktober 2002. Geologisk Tidsskrift, hæfte 2, pp. 16–18.

  • Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2000: Begravede dale i Jylland – status for kortlægningen. Geologisk Nyt, 5/00, p. 16-19.

  • Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2002: Begravede dales forekomst i Jylland og på Fyn – indvirkning på lagserien, topografien og grundvandsressourcerne. DGF, grundvandsmøde, Lyngby, 31 oktober 2002.

  • Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2002: Karakteristik af begravede dales geologi - opbygning, aldre og dannelsesprocesser. DGF, grundvandsmøde, Lyngby, 31. Oktober 2002.

  • Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2000: Kortlægning af begravede dalsystemer i Jylland. ATV-møde. Vintermøde om jord- og grundvandsforurening. Vingstedcentret, 7-8 marts, 2000.

Internationale konferenceabstracts og posters


  • Høyer, A-S., Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P. & Møller, I. 2015: 3D geological modelling of a buried-valley network based on AEM and borehole data. ASEG-PESA in Perth, Australia, 15-18 February 2015.

  • Høyer, A-S., Jørgensen, F., Sandersen P. B. E., Møller, I. & Christiansen, A. V. 2014: 3D geological modelling of buried valleys based on boreholes and airborne geophysical data. Energy and Environment for the Future, 24-25. November 2014, the Innovation Fund Denmark, Copenhagen.

  • Sandersen, P. B. E. & Jørgensen, F. 2013: Results from a 10 year AEM mapping programme of buried tunnel valleys in Denmark. Second International Conference on Engineering Geophysics, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, 24. – 27. November 2013. EAGE.

  • Sandersen, P. B. E. & Jørgensen, F. 2013: Occurrence of buried tunnel valleys and their consequence for conceptual geological understanding and 3D modelling. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2013. 27-30 October, 2013. Denver, Colorado. Geological Society of America.

  • Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. B. E. 2012: A review of Buried Valleys in Denmark. Workshop on buried valleys, airborne electromagnetic techniques and groundwater data synthesis and dissemination. 13-15 March, 2012, Ottawa, Canada. Geol. Survey of Canada, Natural Resources .

  • Sandersen, P.B.E. & Jørgensen, F. 2011: Preferred orientations of buried tunnel-valley generations in Denmark. XVIII. INQUA-Congress - Quaternary sciences – the view from the mountains.  July 20.-27th, 2011, Bern, Switzerland.

  • Jørgensen, F. and Sandersen, P. 2011: Detailed geophysical mapping of buried tunnel valleys - a prerequisite for sustainable groundwater management in Denmark. 2011 GSA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, 9–12 October 2011, Paper No. 62-7. 1 p.

  • Sandersen, P.B.E. & Jørgensen, F. 2009: Substratum control on tunnel-valley formation in Denmark. The Geological Society of London; Glaciogenic reservoirs and Hydrocarbon Systems Conference, London, Dec. 2009. Abstract volume p. 91-92.

  • Sandersen, P.B.E., Jørgensen, F., Larsen, N.K., Westergaard, J. and Auken, E. 2009: Evidence of rapid tunnel-valley formation in Vendsyssel, Denmark. 71st EAGE Conference and exhibition, 8-11 June 2009. Workshop no. 5: Buried Glacial Valleys and Recent Advances in Understanding Groundwater and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  • Jørgensen, F. and Sandersen, P.B.E. 2009: Current knowledge of buried tunnel valleys in Denmark – mapping and data interpretation.  71st EAGE Conference and exhibition, 8-11 June 2009. Workshop no. 5: Buried Glacial Valleys and Recent Advances in Understanding Groundwater and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  • Sandersen, P.B.E. & Jørgensen, F. 2009: Tunnel Valleys in Vendsyssel, Denmark - Evidence of Rapid Formation Beneath the Receding Late Weichselian Ice Sheet. 2009 Joint Assembly. The Meeting of the Americas, 24–27 May, 2009, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. GA73B-03.

  • Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P.B.E. 2009: Tunnel Valleys in Denmark - Distribution, Architecture, Ages and Possible Origin. 2009 Joint Assembly. The Meeting of the Americas, 24–27 May, 2009, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. GA71B-05.

  • Andersen, T.R., Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P.B.E. & Christensen, S. 2009: Mapping and Modeling Buried Tunnel Valleys. 2009 Joint Assembly. The Meeting of the Americas, 24–27 May, 2009, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. H13A-05.

  • Larsen, N. K., Krohn, C. F., Sandersen, P., Knudsen, K. L., Kronborg, C., Nielsen, O. B., Auken, E. 2009: Tunnel-valley formation by catastrophic outbursts during the last deglaciation in SW Scandinavia. European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2009, Vienna. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2009.
  • Madsen, H. B., Larsen, N. K., Auken, E., Knudsen, K. L., Kronborg, C., Krohn, C., Murray, A. S., Nielsen, O. B., Sandersen, P. & Westergaard. J., 2008: Investigating the geology and aquifer potential of buried valleys in Vendsyssel, Denmark. No Regret Final Conference, Zeegse, The Netherlands, May. 2008.

  • Larsen, N. K., Auken, E., Knudsen, K. L., Kronborg, C., Krohn, C. F., Murray, A.S., Nielsen, O. B., Sandersen, P., Westergaard, J., 2008: Evidence of catastrophic outbursts and tunnel valley formation in northern Denmark during the last deglaciation. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 10-14, 2007, abstract volume, p. C14B-0472.

  • Jørgensen, F. and Sandersen P. 2006. Buried valleys in Denmark – a status on 9 years of geophysical mapping. BurVal. Final Conference and workshop, Nov. 29-30., 2006, GEOZENTRUM, Hannover, Germany.

  • Jørgensen, F. and Sandersen, P. 2006. Genesis and presence of tunnel/buried valleys. BurVal. Final Conference and workshop, Nov. 29-30., 2006, GEOZENTRUM, Hannover, Germany.

  • Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2002:  Mapping of buried valleys in Jutland, Denmark: valley characteristics and proposed genesis. Geophysical research abstracts, Volume 4, 2002, 27th general assembly, Nice, France, SEG.

  • Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P., Lykke-Andersen, H., Auken, E. & Sørensen, K. 2002:  Mapping of buried valleys in Jutland, Denmark - results of TEM and shallow seismic surveys. Geophysical research abstracts, Volume 4, 2002, 27th general assembly, Nice, France, SEG.

  • Sandersen, P.  & Jørgensen, F. 2001: Buried valleys in Jutland – Preferred directions and proposed genesis.  Workshop Buried valleys – water resources for the future. LANU, Kiel, Germany, Sept. 28, 2001.

  • Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2001: Buried valleys in Jutland – distribution, infill sediments and ages. Workshop Buried valleys – water resources for the future. LANU, Kiel, Germany, Sept. 28, 2001.

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