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Sandersen eller Flemming
Artikler i internationale tidsskrifter og bøger
- He, X, Sonnenborg, T.O., Jørgensen, F. and Jensen, K.H. 2016: Modelling real-world buried valley system with vertical non-stationarity using multiple-point statistics. Hydrogeology Journal. 12 p. DOI:10.1007/s10040-016-1486-8.
Høyer, A.-S., Jørgensen, F., Sandersen P.B.E., Viezzoli, A. & Møller, I., 2015: 3D geological modelling of a complex buried-valley network delineated from borehole and AEM data. Journal of Applied Geophysics 122 (2015) 94–102.
Andersen, T.S., Poulsen, S.E., Christensen, S. and Jørgensen, F. 2013: A synthetic study of geophysics-based modelling of groundwater flow in catchments with a buried valley. Hydrogeological Journal, Vol. 21, 2, pp. 491-503. DOI 10.1007/s10040-012-0924-5.
Sandersen, P. B. E. & Jørgensen, F., 2012. Substratum control on tunnel-valley formation in Denmark. In: Huuse, M., Redfern, J., Le Heron, D. P., Dixon, R. J., Moscariello, A. & Craig, J. (Eds.) 2012. Glaciogenic Reservoirs and Hydrocarbon Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 368, 145-157/dx.doi.org/10.1144/SP368.12.
Andersen, T.S., Huuse, M., Jørgensen, F. and Christensen, S. 2012: Seismic investigations of buried tunnel valleys on- and offshore Denmark. Geol. Soc. London. Special publication. Vol. 368, pp. 129-144. DOI: 10.1144/SP368.14.
Sandersen, P. B. E., 2012. Preferred orientations of tunnel valleys in Denmark. Quaternary International, Quaternary International, vol. 279-280, p. 425.
Kehew, A., Piotrowski, J. and Jørgensen, F. 2012: Tunnel Valleys: Concepts and Controversies – A Review. Earth-Science Reviews, Vol. 113, 33-58.
Jørgensen, F., Møller, R.R, Sandersen, P.B.E. and Nebel, L. 2010: 3-D geological modelling of the Egebjerg area based on hydrogeophysical data. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin. Review of Survey Activities 2009. pp. 27-30.
Sandersen, P. B. E., Jørgensen, F., Larsen, N. K., Westergaard, J. H., & Auken, E. 2009. Rapid tunnel-valley formation beneath the receding Late Weichselian ice sheet in Vendsyssel, Denmark. BOREAS, Vol. 38, Issue 4, pp. 834-851.
Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen. P. B. E. 2009. Buried valley mapping in Denmark: evaluating mapping method constraints and the importance of data density. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, Volume 160, Number 3, September 2009 , pp. 211-223.
Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen. P. B. E. 2008. Mapping of buried tunnel valleys in Denmark: new perspectives for the interpretation of the Quaternary succession in Denmark. GEUS Review of Survey activities 2007, GEUS bulletin 15, p. 33-36.
Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2006. Buried and open tunnel valleys in Denmark – erosion beneath multiple ice sheets. Quaternary Science Reviews 25, pp. 1339-1363.
Jørgensen, F., Johnsen, R., Pedersen, J., Christensen, J.F. & Sandersen, P.B.E. 2006. Investigations in the pilot project areas – Tyrsting. In: Kirsch et al. (Eds.), Groundwater in buried valleys – a challenge for geosciences, Leibnitz Institute for Applied Geosciences, Hannover, p. 181-190.
Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P.B.E. & Bakker, M. 2006. Buried valleys – nature and groundwater interests. In: Kirsch et al. (Ed.), Groundwater in buried valleys – a challenge for geosciences, Leibnitz Institute for Applied Geosciences, Hannover, p. 11-18.
Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P.B.E., Auken, E., Lykke-Andersen, H. & Sørensen, K. 2006. A large-scale TEM survey of Mors, Denmark. In: Kirsch, R. (Ed.), Groundwater Geophysics - a Tool for Hydrogeology. Springer, Heidelberg, p. 363-380. ISBN 10: 3-540-29383-3.
Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P. B. E., Auken, E., Lykke-Andersen, H. & Sørensen, K. 2005. Contributions to the geological mapping of Mors, Denmark – a study based on a large-scale TEM survey. Bull. Geol. Soc. Denm. 52, pp. 53-75.
Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2003: Buried Quaternary valleys in western Denmark – occurrence and inferred implications for groundwater resources and vulnerability. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 229-249.
Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P. B. E. & Auken, E., 2003. Imaging buried Quaternary valleys using the transient electromagnetic method. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 199-214.
Jørgensen, F., Lykke-Andersen, H., Sandersen, P. B. E., Auken, E. & Nørmark, E., 2003. Geophysical investigations of buried Quaternary valleys in Denmark: an integrated application of transient electromagnetic Geophysical soundings, reflection seismic surveys and exploratory drillings. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 215-229.
Nationale publikationer, konferencebidrag og foredrag
- Sandersen, P.B.E. & Jørgensen, F. 2016: Begravede tunneldale i Danmark – Fokus på fjorde og bælter. 31. Marts 2016 – Dansk Geologisk Forening – Dansk Geoteknisk Forening – Geologi og geoteknik i de indre danske farvande, VIA Horsens.
Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. B. E. 2014: Begravede dale i Danmark – en vigtig kilde til den danske vandforsyning. DANVA Årsmøde 2014.
Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2011: Begravede dale i Danmark – Geografisk forekomst, orienteringer og aldre. Institutforedrag, Geologisk Institut, 22. feb. 2011.
Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P. B. E. 2009: SkyTEM and mapping of buried valleys. DGF Årsmøde 2009, 14. marts 2009, København.
Jørgensen, F., Auken, E. & Sandersen, P. 2009: SkyTEM og afdækning af begravede dale. DGF Årsmøde 2009. Jagten på råstoffer – nye metoder og geologisk viden. København, 14. Marts 2009.
Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2007: Begravede dale til lands – en række kortlægningseksempler. Dansk Geologisk Forening ”Gå-hjem-møde”, 28. feb. 2007.
Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2007: Begravede dale til lands – Udbredelse, forekomst og dannelse. Dansk Geologisk Forening ”Gå-hjem-møde”, 28. feb. 2007.
Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2005: Indsatsplanlægning og begravede dale – resultater fra de jysk-fynske amters kortlægning. ATV møde. Vintermøde om jord- og grundvandsforurening. Vingstedcentret, 8.-9. marts 2005.
Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2005: Indsatsplanlægning og begravede dale – resultater fra de jysk-fynske amters kortlægning. ATV møde. Vintermøde om jord- og grundvandsforurening. Vingstedcentret, 8.-9. marts 2005. Vol. II, pp. 367-376.
Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2003: Vandressourcer i begravede dale – og vigtigheden af at kende geologien. danskVAND, 3, pp. 156-161.
Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P., 2002: Karakteristik af begravede dales geologi – opbygning, aldre og dannelsesprocesser. DGF grundvandsmøde 31. oktober 2002. Geologisk Tidsskrift, hæfte 2, pp.14–15.
Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F., 2002: Begravede dales forekomst i Jylland og på Fyn – indvirkning på lagserien, topografien og grundvandsressourcerne. DGF grundvandsmøde 31. oktober 2002. Geologisk Tidsskrift, hæfte 2, pp. 16–18.
Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2000: Begravede dale i Jylland – status for kortlægningen. Geologisk Nyt, 5/00, p. 16-19.
Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2002: Begravede dales forekomst i Jylland og på Fyn – indvirkning på lagserien, topografien og grundvandsressourcerne. DGF, grundvandsmøde, Lyngby, 31 oktober 2002.
Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2002: Karakteristik af begravede dales geologi - opbygning, aldre og dannelsesprocesser. DGF, grundvandsmøde, Lyngby, 31. Oktober 2002.
Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2000: Kortlægning af begravede dalsystemer i Jylland. ATV-møde. Vintermøde om jord- og grundvandsforurening. Vingstedcentret, 7-8 marts, 2000.
Internationale konferenceabstracts og posters
Høyer, A-S., Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P. & Møller, I. 2015: 3D geological modelling of a buried-valley network based on AEM and borehole data. ASEG-PESA in Perth, Australia, 15-18 February 2015.
Høyer, A-S., Jørgensen, F., Sandersen P. B. E., Møller, I. & Christiansen, A. V. 2014: 3D geological modelling of buried valleys based on boreholes and airborne geophysical data. Energy and Environment for the Future, 24-25. November 2014, the Innovation Fund Denmark, Copenhagen.
Sandersen, P. B. E. & Jørgensen, F. 2013: Results from a 10 year AEM mapping programme of buried tunnel valleys in Denmark. Second International Conference on Engineering Geophysics, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, 24. – 27. November 2013. EAGE.
Sandersen, P. B. E. & Jørgensen, F. 2013: Occurrence of buried tunnel valleys and their consequence for conceptual geological understanding and 3D modelling. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2013. 27-30 October, 2013. Denver, Colorado. Geological Society of America.
Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. B. E. 2012: A review of Buried Valleys in Denmark. Workshop on buried valleys, airborne electromagnetic techniques and groundwater data synthesis and dissemination. 13-15 March, 2012, Ottawa, Canada. Geol. Survey of Canada, Natural Resources .
Sandersen, P.B.E. & Jørgensen, F. 2011: Preferred orientations of buried tunnel-valley generations in Denmark. XVIII. INQUA-Congress - Quaternary sciences – the view from the mountains. July 20.-27th, 2011, Bern, Switzerland.
Jørgensen, F. and Sandersen, P. 2011: Detailed geophysical mapping of buried tunnel valleys - a prerequisite for sustainable groundwater management in Denmark. 2011 GSA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, 9–12 October 2011, Paper No. 62-7. 1 p.
Sandersen, P.B.E. & Jørgensen, F. 2009: Substratum control on tunnel-valley formation in Denmark. The Geological Society of London; Glaciogenic reservoirs and Hydrocarbon Systems Conference, London, Dec. 2009. Abstract volume p. 91-92.
Sandersen, P.B.E., Jørgensen, F., Larsen, N.K., Westergaard, J. and Auken, E. 2009: Evidence of rapid tunnel-valley formation in Vendsyssel, Denmark. 71st EAGE Conference and exhibition, 8-11 June 2009. Workshop no. 5: Buried Glacial Valleys and Recent Advances in Understanding Groundwater and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Jørgensen, F. and Sandersen, P.B.E. 2009: Current knowledge of buried tunnel valleys in Denmark – mapping and data interpretation. 71st EAGE Conference and exhibition, 8-11 June 2009. Workshop no. 5: Buried Glacial Valleys and Recent Advances in Understanding Groundwater and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Sandersen, P.B.E. & Jørgensen, F. 2009: Tunnel Valleys in Vendsyssel, Denmark - Evidence of Rapid Formation Beneath the Receding Late Weichselian Ice Sheet. 2009 Joint Assembly. The Meeting of the Americas, 24–27 May, 2009, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. GA73B-03.
Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P.B.E. 2009: Tunnel Valleys in Denmark - Distribution, Architecture, Ages and Possible Origin. 2009 Joint Assembly. The Meeting of the Americas, 24–27 May, 2009, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. GA71B-05.
Andersen, T.R., Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P.B.E. & Christensen, S. 2009: Mapping and Modeling Buried Tunnel Valleys. 2009 Joint Assembly. The Meeting of the Americas, 24–27 May, 2009, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. H13A-05.
- Larsen, N. K., Krohn, C. F., Sandersen, P., Knudsen, K. L., Kronborg, C., Nielsen, O. B., Auken, E. 2009: Tunnel-valley formation by catastrophic outbursts during the last deglaciation in SW Scandinavia. European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2009, Vienna. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2009.
Madsen, H. B., Larsen, N. K., Auken, E., Knudsen, K. L., Kronborg, C., Krohn, C., Murray, A. S., Nielsen, O. B., Sandersen, P. & Westergaard. J., 2008: Investigating the geology and aquifer potential of buried valleys in Vendsyssel, Denmark. No Regret Final Conference, Zeegse, The Netherlands, May. 2008.
Larsen, N. K., Auken, E., Knudsen, K. L., Kronborg, C., Krohn, C. F., Murray, A.S., Nielsen, O. B., Sandersen, P., Westergaard, J., 2008: Evidence of catastrophic outbursts and tunnel valley formation in northern Denmark during the last deglaciation. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 10-14, 2007, abstract volume, p. C14B-0472.
Jørgensen, F. and Sandersen P. 2006. Buried valleys in Denmark – a status on 9 years of geophysical mapping. BurVal. Final Conference and workshop, Nov. 29-30., 2006, GEOZENTRUM, Hannover, Germany.
Jørgensen, F. and Sandersen, P. 2006. Genesis and presence of tunnel/buried valleys. BurVal. Final Conference and workshop, Nov. 29-30., 2006, GEOZENTRUM, Hannover, Germany.
Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2002: Mapping of buried valleys in Jutland, Denmark: valley characteristics and proposed genesis. Geophysical research abstracts, Volume 4, 2002, 27th general assembly, Nice, France, SEG.
Jørgensen, F., Sandersen, P., Lykke-Andersen, H., Auken, E. & Sørensen, K. 2002: Mapping of buried valleys in Jutland, Denmark - results of TEM and shallow seismic surveys. Geophysical research abstracts, Volume 4, 2002, 27th general assembly, Nice, France, SEG.
Sandersen, P. & Jørgensen, F. 2001: Buried valleys in Jutland – Preferred directions and proposed genesis. Workshop Buried valleys – water resources for the future. LANU, Kiel, Germany, Sept. 28, 2001.
Jørgensen, F. & Sandersen, P. 2001: Buried valleys in Jutland – distribution, infill sediments and ages. Workshop Buried valleys – water resources for the future. LANU, Kiel, Germany, Sept. 28, 2001.
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